We’re now shipping The Complete Guide to Spring Training 2020 / Arizona! So if you were waiting for availability, now’s the time to pull the trigger on a purchase.
As always, The Complete Guide to Spring Training 2020 / Arizona ships with a an up-to-date schedule addendum, and the eBook editions (Kindle, Nook, Apple Books) feature current schedule information as well. As a bonus, the eBooks are updated as new schedule information is released.
This book covers the 15 Cactus League teams playing out of 10 training camps: American Family Fields of Phoenix (Milwaukee Brewers), Camelback Ranch-Glendale (Chicago White Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers), Goodyear Ballpark (Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Indians), Hohokam Stadium (Oakland Athletics), Peoria Stadium (San Diego Padres, Seattle Mariners), Salt River Fields at Talking Stick, (Arizona Diamondbacks, Colorado Rockies), Scottsdale Stadium (San Francisco Giants), Sloan Park (Chicago Cubs), Surprise Stadium (Kansas City Royals, Texas Rangers), and Tempe Diablo Stadium (Los Angeles Angels), as well as Phoenix Municipal Stadium, home of the Arizona State University Sun Devils and GCU Ballpark, home of the GCU Antelopes. Also covered: exhibition games in Las Vegas and Montreal, and college baseball in Tucson.
Changes for the 2020 spring-training season are highlighted, including a thorough look at American Family Fields of Phoenix, which opened in 2019 after an extensive remodeling. You can order it here.
Each chapter features:
- Best seats in each ballpark, whether you want comfort, shade, accessibility or autographs
- Ballpark tips
- Must-sees before and after the games, including local baseball attractions and sports bars
- Training information, to plan a trip before the games start
- Information on new and renovated ballparks
- Travel tips: Low fares at nearby airports, alternative routes (beat the traffic!) and freeway shortcuts
- College games: create your own day-night doubleheaders
- Points of interest for the baseball history fan
- Changes for spring training 2020 and beyond
The cost: $17.99 plus shipping. The cost of the eBook edition: $7.99.
And don’t forget that The Complete Guide to Spring Trining 2020 / Florida is shipping as well — check it out here.
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