We know virtually every person visiting this site these days is looking to begin their spring training 2019 planning, so we’ve put together this handy guide to answer your questions. Let the spring training 2019 planning begin!
When will spring training 2019 start?
Last year the early launch of spring training came as a surprise to many, and it ended up depressing revenues and attendance. This year, it’s a much more predictable schedule—basically the same as 2018. We expect the first exhibition games (the traditional Red Sox/NU and Detroit/FSC matchups) to begin Feb. 20, with league games beginning Feb. 21 and every team in action by Feb. 22. We also expect more night games in 2019. After more night games were scheduled in 2018, the numbers were crunched, and it was determined that attendance and revenues were higher for night games than day games. Many teams will wrap up their spring schedules on March 24, with some exhibitions (like the annual Toronto series in Montreal) set for March 25 and 26. The regular season, barring some huge change, should start March 28.
When will schedules be released?
We release schedules as we receive then, many unofficially. We let you know when we post schedules via the Spring Training Online newsletter. (Subscriptions are free—sign up here!) Typically official schedules are released after the World Series.
When do tickets go on sale?
Officially, teams put tickets on sale in December, January and early February. But there are ways to get around that. In our spring-training guides, we outline the best and quickest way to buy tickets. The guides are also filled with plenty of additional information, like where to stay, where to sit, and what to do before and after a game.
Are there any new ballparks opening in spring training 2019?
Yes and no. As you’ll probably recall, the Atlanta Braves were scheduled to move to a new North Port, FL ballpark for 2019, but delays in ballpark structure forced the team to commit to one last season at Disney World’s Champion Stadium. The Braves will play their last 2019 spring-training game at the new North Port ballpark, however.
Are there any ballpark renovations on tap for spring training 2019?
One. Maryvale Baseball Park, spring home of the Milwaukee Brewers, is overgoing an extensive renovation that will see an upgrading of the practice fields, the addition of a new team building, and an overhauled main entry to the ballpark behind home plate. Construction on the new facility literally began after the Brewers broke camp in 2018. That’s the only renovation set for 2019, but you can expect to see changes in coming years for the Blue Jays, Phillies, Giants, Cardinals and Marlins spring ballparks.
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